Saturday, March 17, 2007
An Independent Thinker
While watching Real Time With Bill Maher last night, his guest Dan Rather, former anchor of the CBS Evening News for over twenty years, made an interesting statement that resonated with me. When asked whether journalist have become too chummy with politicians in order to gain access to stories is problematic, Rather concurred that this is true. Although this is nothing ground breaking to say the least, however, he went on to say that the best news reporting is that of independent journalism. I must agree that he is definitely on to something here--a philosophy that I have been following most of my adult life. Independent thinking that is. This was very prevalent in my early childhood. If my family went right, I went left. They are pro-life, and I am pro-choice. As a future attorney with interest in public policy and political journalism, it is important that I remain true to who I am and what I believe in. I live my life as an "out lesbian", I make no apology that my politics are very liberal, and I don't entertain or patronize establishments and/or people who find offense to my lifestyle. It doesn't bother me whether I am popular because popularity is not winning the war against homophobia, child exploitation and violations against humanity. When you are persuaded by the masses you are nothing more than a puppet--"I am a soul that beats to her own drum (me)." However, like most people, I just want to be understood but not to the point that I compromise who I am and what I believe. To me that's real independent thinking.
2007, Janet Thomson [All Rights Reserved]